

Evaluating Your Site Performance with TM One SmartMap

Evaluating Your Site Performance with TM One SmartMap

31 Mac 2023

Physical outlets are still critical in today business especially with high competitions from online e-commerce platform.

You have wondering for so long on why some of your physical outlets are doing well while other not so great. You may also have lots of unanswered questions regarding those performance fluctuations.

Why certain of your outlets are performing well why others are not?

On the ground seems to have lots of foot traffic but why not many potential customers to your shop? Maybe not the right target audience?

Or your customers base is diluted due to too many competitions?

Or no point of interest to attract right crowd to the business area?


TM SmartMap Site Performance report will rank your physical outlets based on criteria below:

  • Size of your target customers
  • Competitors
  • POI that can attract crowd or POI where your potential customers can do other things like have a drink at a coffee shop while waiting for her laundry to finish.

Then you can compare with your revenue outlets to check whether the ranking from Site Performance is accurate or no

  • If it is accurate means you can use similar location profile for your next outlet and considering to close down the low performing outlets

If it is not accurate, you can discuss directly with us to further understand your business in order to us to enhance and tweak the criteria and algorithm

Use Case for SmartMap Site Performance

Here we do a sample case study using Laundry Bar outlets. Those ranking are not validated against laundry bar outlet revenues.

Site Performance Report Rank Outlets

Interested? Or still not convinced?

Please contact us  at for demo and free trial. We are more than happy to help grow your business using location based data for better informed business decision.
