

Geocoding Made Easier With SmartMap API

Geocoding Made Easier With SmartMap Data

08 April 2021
News clips for Telekom Malaysia SmartMap Geocoding
Geocoding is the process of transforming a description of a location such as a pair of coordinates, an address, or a name of a place to a location on the earth’s surface.

Current Enterprises’ Needs:

  • Targeted Marketing

Understand your customers’ usage pattern to plan for any upselling or cross-selling campaigns based on the port availability in that area.

  • Service Planning

Populate your customers’ location and find where the underserved markets are to plan suitable services or offerings to meet the requirement for these segments.

  • Risk Management

Understands the density insurers area by applying to geocode and risk-scored location intelligence to more accurately assess risk at the individual property level.

How Geocode Fulfills Enterprises’ Current Business Needs?

Easy Integration

For mobile application, website, and software; QGIS< ESRI & Tableau.

High Success Rate

More than 6 Mil addresses are available.

High Accuracy

Perform 60% matched at the property level in comparison to other geocoders.

Ease of Use

Upload a CSV file to the interface, & it’s good to go!

Accuracy Level Indicator

Results indicate the address matched at either property / street / section / city / state level.
